Sunday, August 4, 2013

Fallas - Música Para La Resistencia Tape

1st release of Mexican political HC/punk band Fallas. For subsequent releases they lenghtened their name to Fallas Del Sistema.
11 tracks covering the usual topics like fascism, women's rights, animal rights, ... They also supported the Zapatisto movement.
The tape comes with a booklet which I stashed somewhere and can't find for the moment.
'Música Para La Resistencia' was released in 1999 on Mexican punk label Estajanovismo Records and has excellent sound quality.
Don't know if Fallas Del Sistema is still around. Their latest release was a 7" in 2007 (Despotic Records, ...). They also released 2 more 7"s (Estajanovismo Records), a split 7" with Last Chance (Sin Fronteras) and a split 10" with Apatia No (Alerta Antifascista, Noseke Records, ...).

1. Mercenarios De La Muerte 
2. Vamos Hacia La Vida 
3. Multinacionales De Hambre Y Miseria 
4. Prochoice
5. Poema
6. Tortura Taurina 
7. Música Para La Resistencia
8. Contra El Fascismo
9. Alto A La Violencia
10. Anárquico Es El Penamiento
11. Resistir Y Existir


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