Here's a request by Donut Duck of The Blasting Concept blog.
'World War III?' is one of the many bootlegs that Rot Records issued in the mid-80's. The label isn't mentioned on the sleeve but it is definitely put out by Dunk. He was the original singer for Riot Squad and all early releases on the label are of Riot Squad. Other bands were Animal Farm, Paranoia, Clockwork Soldiers, The Enemy and Resistance 77.
Rot also released a bunch of comps. of which some were made of demotracks of which the bands never gave their permission and never received royalties as well. One of the most dodgy labels there ever was.
Here's a list of bootlegs which don't mention the label name:
- Let's Get Pissed, It's Christmas
- Let's Get Pissed, It's Christmas Again
- Religious As Hell
- What Are You Doing With That Hole In Your Head?
- Punk Lives Let's Slam
- Punk Lives Let's Slam 2
Dunk took tracks from existing records to put on 'World War III?':
Threats: from the 'Politicians And Ministers' 12"
Crude SS: from the 'Who'll Survive' 7"
Tin Can Army: from the split album with Maniacs
Raw Power: from the BCT tape
Wulpse Varkens, Vortex & Zyklome A: from the 'Alle 24 Goed' comp. LP
Rövsvett: from the 'Jesus Var En Tomte' 7"
Rattus: from the 'Uskonto On Vaara' 12"
Jonee Jonee: from the 'Blar Azzurro' 7"
Would like to mention that the sound quality is standard bootleg compared to the original records.
Threats- Can't Stop
Crude SS - Sick Pleasure
Tin Can Army - Cop
Raw Power - Fuck Authority
Wulpse Varkens - Nr 14
Vortex - it's What They Say
Rövsvett - P.O.B.
Rattus - Sotahullut
Jonee Jonee - Bolox Camera
Tin Can Army - Jesus
Wulpse Varkens - Kweenogni
Rövsvett - Jehovas
Threats - Underground Army
Jonee Jonee - Rich People
Crude SS - Deny It
Zyklome A - Noise & Distortion
Vortex - Boudha
Raw Power - Burn The Factory
I had the Blar Azurro 7" from Jonee Jonee (i love their song on that WWIII? compilation) once but somehow lost it. Thanks alot again, now i can listen to Jonee Jonee again! Woohoo!!
BTW, i have the 1st Bil Of Rights 7" you're looking for!
Shared with pleasure DD! On Bill Of Rights: that would be great. I only have their 2nd one on tape somewhere.
Do you want the physical 7" or do you want 'em as mp3/flac/wave whatever?
quality MP3's would be fine. I know my wantlist has alot of hard-to-find stuff. I'm already happy if I could have a listen in whatever form.
Awright CG, will rip that one for you today. The second BOR 7" is available at the Hardcore Braindeath blog (see blogroll at my page for url).
And while i am at it: I am looking for the compilation "God save us from the USA", it has Zounds (with Demystification on it) and Some Weird Sin with a live track, among others.
Hey CG,
All I can say is dammmnnn. You sure put a lot into these posts. I just wanted to let you know, I really appreciate the effort and soak up whatever you take the time to write...It so cool that you share all of this information that will/could just die with the few who really know it as you.
Second, per chance, have you stumbled onto any of the rarer Mystic label comps? For example, "The City of Roses Comp(?). I saw it awhile back somewhere...Anyway, it had some cool bands on there, and of course out here in LA some people like to put obscene prices blah,blah,blah...Just wanted to know..........>>>>>Rg<<<<
Rg, do you mean the Sound of USA - Portland/Oregon "City of Thorns" compilation album?
Yes! That's the one Double D...That's the missing link (one of them-there are many)...If so, any help would be great!!!>>>Rg<<<
I own a few Mystic comps. but not this one. Most of them were reissued and I know Doug Moody doesn't like them to be posted.
Yeah and Doug Moody doesn't even like paying his bands so what gives?
Rg, look here:
LOL, you're absolutely right DD! Remember that PTL Klub did a discography CD, taken from vinyl, probably 'cos mister Moody doesn't want them to give back the mastertapes.
Read also dreadful stories on Dr. Know and Batallion Of Saints. A dodgy label indeed but with some good stuff released.
Yep, so thats why i have no respect for Mystic. I also doubt Mystic will ever get back into life. Their website is under construction for years now.
Thank you, both CG/DD,
Yeah I hear both of ya, re: Mystic. I approached Brandon Cruz and Liberty at a gig in Los Angeles to have the band sign a boot of some early demos w/ Kyle Toucher. Brandon let me know firsthand about Mr. (and I use the term loosely) Moody and all his schiestery (sic). its sad the music is all locked away in that vault...I've frequently had dreams where its discovered, like Al Capone's and the music is turned loose and the money (owed and stockpiled by D.M.) is passed out to the artists. Weird huh? Thanks CG and DD.>>Rg<<
i had this comp back in the 80s,good comp!!
e-Book readers. Could be a huge boon for students.
But they won't enjoy the benefit of electronic products. Still will pay OUTRAGEOUS prices for books for their courses.
Using evil to prey upon evil.
I realize the horrific days of people planning monsterous acts like the Holocaust are behind us. But that doesn't mean there still are not scams in the economy, besides The Skim, wnich the gods view as necessary for positioning's sake.
Just as clone hosting selected disfavored whom the gods wanted ot ensure had no chance to ascend before The End, so did being invited into the 21st century real estate scam ensure as of yet undetermined punishment elements.
They instructed people whom they wanted ot condition into faith in their relationship that since the stock market would top out they should shift their asset base into real estate instead.
And they told them when to sell before they tanked the real estate market as well, timing all based on the level of confidence they wanted each to understand.
The victims may cry "Why would this happen to me." but their behavior in a prior life would answer this:::It didin't happen to anyone who didn't deserve it.
Both the public and the private sector host $400k overpaid employees. The difference?
The public sector preyed upon the disfavored rejects from motherlands, people too disfavored to stay reproducing with their own blood and enjoying their own culture. Corporate preyed upon the more favored purebloods from their motherland through sourcing. Yet another great example of the god's "reverse positioning".
They point the finger at me and claim I participate by shopping at WalMart.
Now this is something I have yet to understand, for they ALL engage in this sourcing due to cheap Asian labor. And Walmart has a very straightforward business model, although not as clear as Costco's "14%", rest assured I pay a margin on each and every product I purchase at Walmart independantly, including my $3 box of American made Cherios and my 68 cent can of Campbell's tomato soup.
INCIDENTALLY, it seems to me we pay THE SAME PRICE FOR SHIT THAT WE DID BEFORE SOURCING BEGAN. The difference is being poicketed by corporate and the $400k employees who are recruited into playing a part in this evil.
The gods intentionally set this up to ensure the onus falls upon the preditory capitalist and not the ignorant public.
Trash at the top just as there is trash in the ghetto.
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