Thanks alot to Donut Duck for this one. More from him in the coming days!
I was really surprised when listening to this. This is decent early HC punk. The initials stand for Raging Peasant Army. The band was from Seattle. This 7" released in 1982. A pity there's only 2 songs on this one.
1. Shoot The Pope
2. Bonecrusher
Thanks. Look forward to hearing this. And man that cover is perfection, not even joking.
What would you say if I told you I had a cassette recording of a virtually all their songs recorded at a rehearsal session?
Well Phil, I would definitely want to hear those songs.
could you PLEASE re upload this? I think this was the first record I ever bought. I remember getting it downtown (here in seattle)after hearing it in a record store when I was about 12 years old. I saw them live a couple times, this is an absolute CLASSIC.
Hi Erik, if you can't wait to hear it, you can get it on KBD Records as well:
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