Afflict was a hardcore punk band from Eindhoven, The Netherlands. This is the 1st album released by the band in 1987.
They did a 2nd album 'I Want It, I Need It' in 1989 on German label Dissonance.
Afflict sound quite original and sometimes have dark themes if you look at the titles. LP comes with a small booklet with lyrics and fine artwork.
Bassplayer Scheet (Fart) played for Strelnikoff after the band split.
1. Necromance
2. Lowlife
3. Conform
4. Pathetics In Despair
5. Nouricyd
6. The Last Cry
7. Not All Vampires Suck Blood
8. Your Useless Life
9. Mistrust
10. In Darkness
11. The Hunt
12. Schizofraniac
You're right, this is original sounding HC. I never heard of this band before and it's good. This record was one of it's few bright spots in the declining HC year of '87.
Hi there, I'm Ronny from Eindhoven. I've played a few years in Afflict, after they recorded Necromance. Before that I liked them just like you because of the original sound. So when they asked me to play (guitar) with them, I was very pleased. If you want to have any more information about Afflict or any other punk/hc bands from the 80's, maybe I can help. Let me know! greetings from Eindhoven RockCity
Hey Ronny, jammer genoeg nooit Afflict gezien. nochtans naar veel gigs geweest in die periode.
Groeten uit België.
3x live gezien Afflict, zowel met de oude als de nieuwe gitarist. Die oude snoof teveel dus die hebben ze eruit gepleurt.
Necromance heb 'm nog op vinyl. Ga 'm straks ff downen, heb ik 'm gelijk digitaal.
2nd album here: http://rocktube.info/2009/08/afflict-i-want-it-i-need-it-1989/
Thanks, deze zocht ik al een tijdje. Ik had vroeger nog van die mooie Afflict stickers ;)
Ik kwam net in Eindhoven wonen, vlak na hun concert met Inferno. Heb hun verder nooit zien spelen (in de Bunker of Burgers). Heb wel de Thrashold/Threshold compilaties met 1 van hun nummers ...
In mijn jonge jaren op het brommertje alle optredens van The Afflict afgegaan. Zelfs nog in bezit van de vinyl. Meel gooien tijdens een concert in een of ander durp kan ik me ook nog herinneren.
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