Requested by Savage Lorna of Hardcore Braindeath blog.
1st one of the 2nd batch of records I got from a friend. This is the 1st release on German label Double A. Mostly German bands on this one with Circle Of Sig Tiu,Wut and Tin Can Army as the best known. Some records of them can be found on Down Underground.
A.N.E.E.B. were also featured on Bullshit Detector Vol. 3 on CRASS Records.
Enola Gay is also the German band, not the Danish one. They were fronted by an English singer. They also released a 7" and a full length.
The non-German bands are Verdun from France and Pandemonium of Holland. IMO the latter band delivers the best song here. Don't think it can be found on their other releases as well.
The backside of the sleeve is one big rant against the apathy and fashion of all things punk. Double A Records chose to be more on the positive, active side of punk instead of all the "fuck, get drunk and destroy" side.
The A.N.A.L. tracks are switched on the sleeve.
1. Circle Of Sig Tiu - Fahnenflucht
2. A.N.A.L. - Ich Häng Mich Auf
3. Eklatant - Support Your Local Council
4. A.N.E.E.B. - Fak
5. Wut - Demokratie
6. Enola Gay - Absorbed Death
7. Tin Can Army - Kannibalen
8. Enola Gay - Unheared Cries
9. A.N.A.L. - Wehrdienst
10. Wut - Das Höchste Lebewesen
11. Eklatant - Slaves Of Power
12. Tin Can Army - Fear Is Slavery
13. Verdun - Berlin
14. Pandemonium - No Place For Me
15. A.N.E.E.B. - Identität
Wie Lange Noch
I remember getting this LP when it was released, solely because TCA (who I was obsessed with) were involved, and just not getting it. I think I actually gave it away. Today it all makes sense! Gotta be one of the most boundary-pushing records of the era. The 17-year-old me clearly wasn't very enlightened.
West Germany really did have the most interesting scene during '84-'86, eh?
I don't think this is the best German comp. I ever heard but it's a nice one.
West Germany had quite good bands in that period. I just can't get into the typical Deutschpunk stuff.
This is definately a gem and quite rare. What would be the best german underground punk compilation? I'd go for Soundtracks Zum Untergang 1 plus Underground Hits 1.
DD, for me it would have to be "Fun's Not Dead" - Inferno, Ceresit and The Maniacs just tear it up, while ST37 turn in one of the best pop-punk crossover songs of the 80's.
But Underground Hits does rock though!
Charlie, interesting you mention Funs Not Dead - i love that Unknown Soldier tune by ST37!
Germany had alot to offer back then.
And while i am at it, try and get your hands on the Maniacs/TCA split album on Mulleimer Records. It's worth for the Maniacs side alone, ripping stuff. The best german compilation tape in my opinion has to be "Der Parasit" by Tot und Teufel Tapes - just great sophisticated stuff!
Oh and not to forget "Ultra Hardcore Power Music Part II" on the Mulleimer Records label. Kommando Schwarzer Freitag had great cuts on it, same goes for all the other bands on it (Inferno, Razzia, Schluckspechte, et cetera).
Sweet! Thanks a ton!
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