Ring Of Fire were from New York and released this 7-track album in 1984 on their own Live Cheap Or Die Records.
No info to be found on them. While most bands were playing hardcore, Ring Of Fire went back to the traditional punk sound although played fast and with distortion-less guitar.
'Common Enemy' is an anti-cold war song in the best tradition, without falling into patriotic shit. 'Sex Song' deals with the use of sex for advertising. 'George' is about wrestling as it seems that the band members are wrestling fans.
Ring Of Fire
Tense, manic and royally pissed-off...Love it! Maybe also the best sleeve ever? Brilliant post SSC, thanks for that.
Glad you liked it.
We were never very popular since we spent a lot of time making fun of hardcore while playing shows with hardcore bands. We were indeed huge wrestling fans in those pre-Cindy Lauper days.
The cover is an iron-on patch I found in a truckstop in Mexico. "Tense, manic and royally pissed-off' is an extremely accurate statement of my state of mind in my 20s, as I apparently managed to get across.
John, singer
Hello John, thanks for leaving a comment here. The band/record isn't that wellknown but let's hope some people listen to it and enjoy it.
Well, there were only 1000 pressed, so it's a pretty obscure record.
Maximum Rock'n'roll & Flipside liked it & I have a postcard from Jello Biafra asking for a copy. We weren't that serious about distribution & gave away a lot of copies. I hadn't listened to it in years, actually, until recently, when my 6 yr. old son wanted to hear it, mostly for the novelty of a vinyl record.
The old NYHC days seem like yesterday. Anyway, glad someone's enjoying the record.
John, ex-RoF
I would really love to hear this again. I bought it new in 85 and it has now vanished from my collection...go figure??? anyway I just want to hear it again. Does anyone know if I can download it or buy it??? Please help!
Download link works fine with me. Let me know if it doesn't work for you, otherwise I'll upload on mediafire.
I got it! Took me a second. I love this stuff, been a long time, thanks a million!!!
Seriously disturbed dudes molesting their instruments... Thanks man ! X-D
Can you please put this on Mediafire?? My college professor used to play in this band, and I was interested to see what it sounded like to get that classic sound in.
New link's up. Enjoy!
Can you re-up please? I'm curious to hear this. Thanks.
New link for Ring Of Fire. Enjoy!
Please, a re-up is in order!!
File got lost. Need to ask a friend for it or I need to rip this one again. Have patience!
New link. Ripped again and zipped as WAV. Enjoy!
Any chance of a new link or re-up. Ironically i have the vinyl but no vinyl player.
Bump. Anybody
In hope
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