And here's another one from Australia.
Order Of Decay released 2 records on Norwood label Dominator Records & Tapes. Can't find much info but the LP is posthumously released as singer Philthy Phil passed away in 1989 at the age of 23. Don't know how he died.
Dominator released a variety of stuff : from HC punk of Filthy Scumbags, Order Of Decay, Arm The Insane to dark indierock like The Mark Of Cain. At the end the label went completely deathmetal.
Bite Or Be Bitten 7" (1988)
1. Expelled
2. The Aftermath
3. Payroll
4. Order Of Decay
5. Mental Anguish
6. Fuel
6. Fuel

Order Of Decay LP (1989)
1. Australian Police
2. On One Condition
3. Confused
4. Detox
5. Talking
5. Talking
6. Another Christ
7. K.S.
8. Get Out Of My Way!
9. Solitary Confinement
10. Psycho Man
11. Exciter
Wow, I have seen a million copies of that 7" (it was in every dollar bin in the 1990s!) but I never even knew about the LP. Thanxxxxxxxxxx
Philty phil was also the vocalist of Filthy Scumbags remember lagerdrinkers from hell. Maybe he drink too much beer and died.
Thanks you for this Amigo!!!
Thanks for the support Toxik Boys.
Never got to know Filthy Phil much more than to say g'day. It saddens me more than words can express, because on that very same night (there were no days back then) I moved into the Century Hotel, Filthy plummeted from the roof of the Century (the flat section of roof above the lounge bar, only one floor above the very stage where he performed many times) to his death in the lane below. Some of the rooms in the hotel, had windows opening onto that roof. He and several revelers, had been drinking out on the roof top and according to his girlfriend at the time (who I met on one of many all night drinking binges at one of the 'early openers' in Adelaide), Phil dropped his cigarette and lunged out to catch it, loosing his balance and making Hindley st history in the same gig. RIP Filthy.
For years after that, there were memorials to Phil, in graffiti around Adelaide especially on Hindley st. His band Order Of Decay, was among one of many that massacred the silence of night, on the stage of the Century Hotel. Eddie, my best buddy at the time, who lived upstairs in another room at the Century, used to mix for many of them. I would do impromptu lighting and help out for fun and the odd beer or two. Eddie was the recording engineer at the John Reynolds music studio in Waymouth st. He recorded some of Adelaide's best albums in the late 80's and early 90s, from bands like The Hot Tomatoes, Clowns of Decadence and Order Of Decay. He probably recorded 'Bite Or Be Bitten' Too. RIP Filthy Phil.
I had another idea. Here's The Google maps image of the front of the century hotel (which is now called the Rosemont), showing the enterance and the roof line from the front. And this is the lane (Crippen Pl) where Phil Died. That shows the actual roof top and edge that Phil fell from.
Here's the recording studio (John Reynolds) where many of Adelaide's finest, cut their best tracks. The tree is in the way a bit, but the studio is there on the second floor.
Thanks for the extra info Skepticus. A pretty awful death IMO. I know of someone who fell of the first floor totally drunk but luckily survived it.
A lot of courage in your fight against those dogmatic, religious pricks. But I'm afraid you can't break their thought pattern.
Phil was a good friend of mine. I remember one day I was taking him and my friend Paul home in my work van - I had to quickly stop in at my bosses house to pick something up. Anyway, I left Phil and Paul in the van while I ran inside. When I came out and started up the van, the radio was turned up full bore, the windscreen wipers were on, the lights were on and written across the centre of the steering wheel was 'Hello i'm horny' where you press the horn. Phil wrote this in waterproof pen which wouldn't wash off and it took me about 12 months to scrub it off with my thumb.
I also remember one day going down to someones house near Plympyon, again I left him in my car. When I came out this time, he'd cleaned out my overflowing ashtray - of course he'd thrown all the butts in the gutter.
He was an awesome guy. I remember being at a gig at the Dom Polski Centre when I heard that he'd died - It's something I don't think I've ever really gotten over. Being so young at the time, he was the first friend I ever had who died.
20 something years later, I drive pass Crippen Place every day on my way to work and every day I think of him and miss him dearly.
Sad to hear about your loss. I think a lot of people have the same stories about losing friends at a young age. He seemed like a cool guy.
New link. Enjoy!
Hey Curious, thank you very much!!
Congrats for you great blog.
Can you reup this? Thanks
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