I think there were a few bands called Blitzkrieg back in the day but this is the band from Amsterdam. Not a lot is known on them but they managed to release an album 'Complete Disarmament' in 1983. Lots of short songs played very fast and a few longer mid-tempo songs.
There's a clock ticking in between the songs (although I ripped the first couple of tracks without the clock ticking, sorry). The lyrics are CRASS-style political rants covering the usual punk topics. Sung both in Dutch and English.
1. Complete Disarmament
2. System Needs War
3. It's You
4. Alles Is Tevergeefs
5. 3,5 Miljard Idioten
6. Dankbaar
7. Ieder Een Taak
8. Silly Play
9. Mannen En Gaten
10. My Life
11. Whole World In Flames
12. Wat Ben Je Dom
13. Someone's Gonna Get The Head Kicked In
14. Blind En Doof
15. Klein Verschil
16. Gut Gut
17. Val
18. Twee Revoluties
19. Den Haag Vandaag
20. Party-Punk
21. Think!
Totally typical...and totally great! Somehow all that clock ticking actually works. "System Needs War" is a lost classic. Cool sleeve too.
finally a band that deserves the name! another excellent post, Curious Guy.
i agree about the sleeve!
They werent from Amsterdam
Well wasn't sure but the album is recorded in A'dam. Where were they from then?
Fantastic record. Another gem pulled from obscurity by SSC!
I saw a poster with Blitzkrieg when surfing internet the other day, the band logo was on a Discharge poster and I remember thinking 'what is that band?'. I think it was the Massacra Divina tour which must have been 1989?
Don't think it was this Blitzkrieg Slobo. Think they already split up in 1989.
Ok cheers!
I wonder which one toured with Discharge...the UK Blitzkrieg that had the 7" on No Future in '82 perhaps? I doubt it...
They came from the area of Alkmaar... Don't know if they played with Discharge, I'll ask, the (ex)drummer is a friend of mine...
Yes of course it was the old uk band Blitzkrieg that supported Discharge on the relatively large (12 gigs approx) 89' Massacre Divine UK tour. And don't let anyone tell you that the sets were shit on that tour, cos Discharge played mainly tracks up til 84' with heavy emphasis on hnsnsn lp, at the expense of pushing the new Massacre Divine lp.The sound was killer,guitar tone true to 83' standards,& the set 80 minutes long.It was a great tour, with the Subs & Blitzkrieg also playing well,& going down well to large crowds.After the 86' G.N.W.tour,it was a joy to hear Discharge ripping again..- the tapes prove it.
They were from Heerhugowaard, in the vicinity of Alkmaar, in the Netherlands. I went to high school (HFC) with these three guys. I highly doubt they played with Discharge, though I can't say that for a fact. As far as I know they made this one LP, and that was it.
Heeft iemand toevallig namen van die lui en weet je of ze nog steeds muziek maken?ik ben al jaren aan het uitzoeken wie de band leden zijn?Ben vanaf 1984 groot fan van dit album en draai hem nog steeds!
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