Released in Germany on Starving Missile Records in 1986.
The White Flag side contains mostly songs off their 'Wild Kingdom' LP except for the last 2 tracks which are live recordings and are cover songs of Red Cross songs. The 6th song is a cover of The Beatles.
Most songs on the F side can't be found elsewhere except for 'Attack' which appeared on one of the Flipside comp. albums. Last song is a cover of The Stooges. Their 4th song is written by Pat Fear and Jello B. Afro of White Flag.
Funny to see some letters of Tim Yohannan of MRR asking friendly to pay for the add that F placed in MRR for their 'You're An EP' 12". Guess they never payed for it.
White Flag
1. Flipside
2. Middle Class Hell
3. Festive Shapes Rides Again
4. You've Got A Problem
5. At The Mountains Of Madness
6. There's A Place
7. Pieces Of Chris Trent
8. Burnout
9. Pseudo Intellectual
1. Rotting Away
2. Attack
3. Shoot It Down
4. To Protect And Serve
5. The War Is Over (Let's Have No More)
6. No Fun
cool! great one!
thanks curious guy! cheers!
Great band that has been nearly forgotton. Thanks
File got lost. Need to rip it again. Have some patience.
New rip, new link. Enjoy!
R.I.P. Bill Bartell
Please re-upload
Lost my rip through ext. HD problems. Will ask a friend to get the files.
Sad to hear about Pat Fear.
Please please, please reupload this split :)
File still lost. I'll try to get it from a friend.
Take your split good men!!! http://hcbd1984.blogspot.mx/2014/11/hcbd039-white-flagf-peace-split-lp.html
Thanks Donut!
Oh, you're welcome! Seems like someone beat me to it!
Btw i am posting THE EXTREMES - From Both Sides LP before i learned you had too.
I really don't mind Donut.
Wish you could find or anybody share the file, Thnx you in advance!
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