Lots of short songs with a sense of humour. Some were taken from TV series like Flintstones. 'Lost In Space' originally written by Jerry Goldsmith. 'Generation Landslide' originally by Alice Cooper. 'Burnin' Love' is also a cover but I don't know of who.
The only song I can't stand lyricwise is 'A.I.D.S.', another stupid rant with a homophobic tone. It seems that a lot of people back in the day thought that AIDS only infected gays and was only possible to get through anal sex. We all know better these days.

Bedlam LP (1986)
1. M.T.V.
2. New Jersey: Chemical Dump State
3. No Regrets
4. Hated You Then & Hate You Now
5. Military attitude
6. A.I.D.S.
7. Flintstones 1
8. Anorexia (A-Go-Go)
9. Unemployment Club
10. Buddyfucker
11. Burnin' Love
12. Dioxin
13. (Total) Bedlam
14. Flintstones 2

Lost In Space 12" (1986)
1. Lost In Space
2. Mongoofy
3. Burn One
4. Knife In My Back
5. Rotting From The Inside Out
6. Cutback
7. Generation Landslide
8. Untitled
Ive been blasting this in the morning, as i get up to go to work..I really like the recording you have, really rich sound. The other examples pale in comparison. yours has a depth that really accentuates the 'feel' of the original NJ sound. >JH
A decent hi-fi stereo is more than half of the work :)
Thanks a lot for sharing !
Great stuff... :-)
"burning love" is by Elvis..
thanks for this !! great blog
cherrs from argentina
I was wondering if there was any chance of a re-up on this? The Mediafire link is not shockingly dead.
New link. Enjoy!
Would love to get these if you have a new link! Saw them back in the 80's and they were a blast. Had the album but it got destroyed in a flood. Thanks!
Hey Mark, new link is up. Enjoy!
Got it! Thank you VERY much. Can't wait to listen to them again.
Can you please please please reup this once more? This is the only place I can find it. Thank you very much.
New link. Enjoy!
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