Insanity Defense play hardcore punk with a melodic edge. They were from NY. Consisted of 3 members: Jeff Earing on vocals & guitar, Ron Phillips on drums and Nelson Rowe on bass.
Don't know anything about them. 'Pilgrim State' is their only release from 1985.
Pilgrim State seems to be a notorious psychiatric ward.
The last song 'Witchhunt' is a slow dirge song.

1. Pilgrim State
2. I'm Waiting
3. Something To Believe In
4. Let Me Help
5. How Long?
6. Make The Change
7. It Used To Be
8. Common Ground
9. Epitaph
10. Witchhunt
Insanity Defense
Great record - i found it for 3$ in a second hand store in vienna
Yeah, this is a real 'weiner'!Thanx Curious Guy>>>Rg
I forgot all about these guys! They played a show here in Central PA in maybe 83 or 84? Great guys, I used to keep in contact with Jeff for a few years back in the 80s. They had a fucking killer demo tape that I lost over the years, would loove to hear it again if anyone out ther has a copy!
I want to hear that killer demo tape as well :)
Hi guys,
I have the demo,I,ll rip it and send it to this blog if you Like,Pisses on the LP,,,,
Heres the Link to the INSANITY DEFENSE demo,sorry guys don,t have a track list,
Downloading it right now andryoopunk. Thanks alot!
Thanks for the demo Andy, fucking great to hear it again after all these years!
Rats! The link to the demo has expired -- any way anyone could re-up? I'd atually never heard the LP til this post, but I used to own the tape years ago & thought they had great (& heavy) melodic HC style (I still can hear "Betrayed" in my head!)
In fact I have the old insert laying around still; here are the song titles for the folks who DID score the file before it vanished:
Social Motions
U.S. Mess
No Excuse
Flesh, Metal, and Glass
Raised For The Slaughter
Beg For MErcy
Live Free Or Die
Truth Or Consequences
Let's See Action
Grudge Against The World
Thanks either way!
Hi - this is Jeff Earing from Insanity Defense. It's been a long time but I just wanted to say thanks to all the friends and fans who supported us all those years ago. I think I speak for all the band members when I say we are truly honored to be remembered after all these years. I still write songs but my band years are behind me (hey, you never know, though). I'm going to put together a website for ID and its companion band, Satan's Cheerleaders. Look for it in the near future. I will make all the old songs available and throw in a few songs that were never released. I also have a DVD of us playing at Love Hall in Philly in 1983 with Husker Du and Minutemen. If you would like to contact me, email me at compose93@verizon.net I'll be happy to answer any questions and send copies of our stuff.
The bands I loved are gone but still a part of me, And I still dance with the same intensity, Sometimes I really miss those crazy days that I left behind.
Peace, Jeff
Hi Jeff, thanks for the comment. I'll look forward to the site you'll create on Insanity Defense & Satan's Cheerleasers. You can always let us know.
Jeff: this is Bryan Swirsky. I don't know if you remember me from the olde daze but I certainly remember you and ID and the Cheerleaders quite well. I just organized a 36-band A7 reunion at the Knitting Factory and my partner Wendy Guillotine and I would LOVE to include you in the next one we do, which should be in Spring. Please get in contact with me here at bryan.swirsky@gmail.com. Hope the years have been kind to you!
To all our fans and friends - please visit our new website - www.unsoundbands.com
We'd like to hear from you!
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